Want to build a successful app? This is the most effective place to start.

Join our app accelerator program so you can:
  • Refine your idea & validate your thinking.
  • Hold a prototype of your app in your hand.
  • Get advice from experts who have done this before.
Get Started

Follow a proven blueprint to build a successful app.  

"Strides has been amazing in helping me get my app off the ground. They are incredibly transparent with how the process works and what my best options are for building the features I want. I highly recommend Strides to anyone looking to build an app."
Chris Holmes
"I am not tech savvy at all — I know nothing about coding or design. When I was building my app my developer left me high and dry. I found Austin and he brought my app across the finish line. My favorite part about working with Strides is their communication."
Doug Cartwright
the daily shifts

We’ll help you turn your app idea into a proven concept you can hold in your hand in less than 90 days.

From: Austin Betzer

Subject: You have a great app idea, now where do you start?

The biggest regret of app founders.

We’ve been lucky enough to work on a lot of projects and speak with a lot of founders.

  • We’ve worked on dozens of large app projects.
  • We host the How To Build An App Podcast and regularly have conversations with app founders who have scaled their model.
  • We know founders of some of the most successful apps.

You know what app founders tell us over and over that they wish they would have known before they started building?

“I wish I would have spent more time refining my vision before I started spending money on development.”

  • “I would have been so much more focused if I had been more specific about who my customer was and what problem we were solving for them.” 
  • “I would have launched sooner if I was more specific about which features were mandatory for launch and which features were ‘nice to have.’”
  • “I would have saved so much money if I had refined my designs before engaging a development team.”

The problem:

Let’s be honest… app development is a total black box. It seems like coders, designers, and founders all speak a different language and it’s just hard as hell to find the right people you can trust with your idea.

What most app founders do:

Because the process is so complicated, most founders just jump in and decide to “will-power” their way through. They jump in with both feet, hire a dev, engage a team and start committing code. They refine their idea as they go.

Here’s why this doesn’t work:

Without a crystal clear vision of their project, it takes too many twists and turns — The target market gets a bit more specific, the features change, the development needs can’t keep up, and the project stalls out wasting valuable time or money.

The answer:

Just like building a house, there is a very specific and time-tested process to building an app. (hint… it doesn’t start with hiring some random coder). We take app founders through this process so they avoid stalling out and running out of money and resources before they hit the finish line.

Imagine building a house… would you just jump in with both feet or would you follow a process that works?

Just like building a house, there are a specific set of steps to follow and you need to solve each step in order.

You wouldn’t schedule your movers before you even broke ground right?

Building a House
Location, location, location!
Design boards
Hiring a General Contractor
Managing Sub Contractors
Moving day!
Building an App
Product Market Fit
References and Interviews
Prototype, designs and roadmap
Engaging an app build team
Managing your team
Launch day!

When you work with the right team and follow the right process, building your app doesn’t have to be confusing, scary, and mysterious.

You will leave the app accelerator program with:

  • A vetted feature list reviewed by a development team
  • Designs for your ENTIRE app… (even the error screens and pop ups)
  • A clickable prototype that you can show to friends, family, potential customers, and investors
  • A pitch deck with a refined and validated presentation of your big idea
  • Validation and survey results from hundreds of potential users.

And most importantly… LOTS of clarity around what you’re doing.

The bottom line:
This helps you invest a small amount up front that will save you HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS later in your project.

Want to see a case study of how we took a project from an idea to a FINISHED app?

See how we built a better food delivery app in less than 9 months.

The story behind the FlipFlops delivery app.
>> Read The Case Study <<

I started Strides because of a huge gap that needed to be filled…

Hey! I’m Austin Betzer 👋

Founders and developers essentially speak different languages… Which makes it REALLY hard for founders to get the right people on board their project in a meaningful way. 

I started Strides so that founders and developers could work hand-in-hand — towards the same goals and get way more done in way less time.

Ready to take the BEST first steps on your app?

Our app accelerator packages take you through the critical first 3 milestones of your app build.
Phase 1


A set of workshops and tests to prove that your end product will satisfy its stakeholder expectations when it’s done.

Phase 2


A finished design file with ALL of your app screens in a clickable version you hold in your hand. This demonstrates how your product will function.

Phase 3

Development Roadmap

A clear project plan that outlines the initiatives, features, and technical requirements in your engineering pipeline.

Refined Product Description
Target Market Demographic Report
Ideal Value Proposition Building Blocks
Pricing Analysis (subscription Apps)
Facebook Targeting Recommendations
Product Market Fit Score
Full Pdf Report
Silver-seal Test Round 1
Silver-seal Test Round 2
Customer Survey Responses
Feature Workshop
Validated Feature List
User Journey Mapping
Design Concepts
High-fidelity Design Files (Onboarding Process)
High-fidelity Design Files (Core Features)
High-fidelity Design Files (System Screens)
Transactional Notifications
Clickable Prototype
Feature Revisions
Design to Development Deep-dive
Back-end Build Strategy
Front-end Build Strategy
3rd Party Tool Recommendations
Line Item Feature List With Dev Hour Estimate
Project Management Roadmap
Launch Roadmap
Refined Product Description
Target Market Demographic Report
Ideal Value Proposition Building Blocks
Pricing Analysis (subscription Apps)
Facebook Targeting Recommendations
Product Market Fit Score
Full Pdf Report
Silver-seal Test Round 1
Silver-seal Test Round 2
Customer Survey Responses
Feature Workshop
Validated Feature List
User Journey Mapping
Design Concepts
High-fidelity Design Files (Onboarding Process)
High-fidelity Design Files (Core Features)
High-fidelity Design Files (System Screens)
Transactional Notifications
Clickable Prototype
Feature Revisions
Design to Development Deep-dive
Back-end Build Strategy
Front-end Build Strategy
3rd Party Tool Recommendations
Line Item Feature List With Dev Hour Estimate
Project Management Roadmap
Launch Roadmap
are you ready to JOIN?

Ready to get started?

Here's how the application works:
Schedule your strategy call with your team and ours.
Complete a short application and questionnaire.
Let's chat about your idea and make sure we're a great fit!
Finalize agreements receive payment, and we're up and running!


Why is validation so important?
Our App Accelerator program involves a significant amount of market validation. This research is what lets us confidently tell you, “This is an idea that will serve your target market… based on data!” Validation gives you the data to move forward with confidence.
What do I get in the design phase?
We will pick a few key screens or features in your app and deliver three design concepts. Once you narrow down which direction is the best, we’ll move forward on designing your ENTIRE app and delivering a clickable prototype. 
Is this process going to crush my dreams?
Maybe. :) Our goal in this process isn’t to just build whatever ideas you have. Our goal is to take your ideas, research them, validate them, and expand upon them. So you could say that your original idea will give way to an expanded and updated vision. 
I just want to start coding… Why do I need this?
Simply put, this process will save you a ton of time and money when you do get to the development stage. This will narrow your vision, bring out new ideas, and strategize how to deliver your unique features and ideas in the most effective way.
Will this process get me a COMPLETED app?
Through this process you’ll have a DESIGNED app built in a clickacble format so you can demo the app on your phone but it is not a completed app with code. This of this like the blueprint behind your dream house. 
Why is this the best first step in building my app?
This is a common question for founders with a limited budget — “I don’t want to spend money on strategy… I want to put every dime into code! If you have a limited budget, the BEST place to invest is in getting hard data around your idea.